Friday, February 10, 2017


We finally got the #ENGRoom121 Courage wall up.  A big shout-out to our 9th-grade student aide, Alejandro S. for creating our wall.  The students were charged with the assignment to complete the following sentence... "If I wasn't afraid, I would...".  They were then asked to either draw an original picture representing what they would do if they weren't afraid or to color a picture of the cowardly lion.  Take a moment to see how some of the #ENGRoom121 students finished the above sentence.  How would you complete it?  Share your thoughts on Twitter using #ENGRoom121Courage or comment on this blog post in the comments section.  Your thoughts (no names or Twitter handles) will be shared with the students.

#ENGRoom121 Courage Wall
#ENGRoom121 Courage Wall 

Some honest sentence completion statements were shared.  Please take the time to read them.
In preparation for next week's Day of Redemption - "Perfect" Paragraph Assessment please have your student review the below videos about simple, compound, and complex sentences and how to write them. These videos will help them be even more successful on their redemption paragraph.

The Quiet Creative talks about sentences

Kahn Academy talks about sentences

Shmoop talks about sentences

Here's a look at the return week (2/13 - 2/17):

1. Introduce iRACE ... a writing process for responding to extended response questions (Monday, 2/13)

2. Decide on supporting details for our eBook chapter introductions (Tuesday, 2/14)

3. Day of Redemption - "Perfect" Paragraph Assessment - Planning Day (Wednesday, 2/15)

4.  Day of Redemption - "Perfect" Paragraph Assessment - Final Copy Day (Thursday, 2/16)

Vocabulary to know for the upcoming week (2/13 - 2/17):


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